For many of us, coming to terms with our ordinariness is a challenging yet liberating experience. I once believed in my uniqueness, a notion that was gradually dismantled as life unfolded. This journey began in high school, where academic hierarchies made me realize my place among the ordinary. This realization was not a setback but a catalyst for seeking alternative paths and embracing my true self.

Choosing to major in art was a step toward acknowledging my ordinariness. Despite initial success, the competitive world of university admissions and later, the art scene, reminded me of my limitations. This series of revelations pushed me towards becoming a YouTuber—a decision that allowed me to escape the confines of ordinariness and strive for uniqueness in a different realm. Realizing our ordinariness can be a driving force, encouraging us to explore new opportunities and redefine what success means to us.

Understanding the Value of Money

Money, a topic I frequently discuss on YouTube, is another critical area of life that requires our attention. My interest in financial matters has helped me save more and manage my finances better than many of my peers. Realizing the importance of money management and saving from an early age is crucial. Many aspire to wealth without understanding the fundamentals of financial planning, leading to irresponsible spending and financial instability.

Significant expenses and the realization of the financial disparities that emerge in our 30s and 40s highlight the importance of early financial education. Learning to manage and save money, understanding your financial level, and planning accordingly can make a significant difference in your life's trajectory. This awareness has enabled me to make informed decisions about work and spending, fostering satisfaction and financial stability.

Contemplating the Essence of Adulthood

Lastly, reflecting on what it means to be an adult is essential. The transition from college to the working world made me ponder the nature of adulthood and maturity. Maturity, I've learned, is not automatically bestowed upon us with age; it is a result of self-reflection, responsibility, and personal growth. True adulthood involves being self-sufficient, managing personal and family responsibilities, and nurturing growth through life's challenges.

Friends who have married and started families often appear more mature, highlighting the impact of significant life milestones on our development. However, becoming a mature, sophisticated adult is a journey that requires continuous effort and reflection.


Life's lessons on recognizing our ordinariness, understanding the value of money, and contemplating the essence of adulthood are invaluable. These insights, particularly beneficial when realized early, can significantly impact our direction and decision-making. Sharing our experiences and lessons learned can inspire and guide others on their paths. Let's embrace these reflections and continue our journey towards meaningful growth together.
